Published on:
17 Mar 2023
min read
PSA - how to prepare for any future loss of mental capacity, and save $75.
For Singapore citizens who have not yet done up your LPA, note that the Office of the Public Guardian will start charging a registration fee of $75 from 1 April 2023 onwards.
In other words, if you've been planning to do up your LPA, but have been putting it off - get it done before 1 April 2023.
For those unacquainted with LPAs, in simple term:
- a Will comes into play when you shuffle off this mortal coil; whereas
- an LPA (Lasting Power of Attorney) comes into play if you're physically still around, but mentally gone.
You will need to see a Certificate Issuer to issue your LPA, who can be an accredited medical practitioner, a practicing lawyer, or a psychiatrist. More information here:
I expect to see an uptick in requests for certificate issuance as we get closer to the deadline - don't leave it to the last minute.
The content of this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.