On year-end reflections.

On year-end reflections.

On year-end reflections.

Published on:

25 Jan 2024


min read


Photo credit: Engin Akyurt; https://www.pexels.com/photo/2023-writing-on-the-sand-at-the-beach-13088178/

On year-end reflections.

As we close out 2023 and turn to our new milestones for 2024:

Any reflections?

What are you thankful for from the past year?

Any regrets?


Speaking for myself, I'm thankful that:

(i) the interesting and meaningful bits of my work outweigh the annoying bits, in terms of time spent, energy expended, and frequency;

(ii) the income generated is sufficient for my chosen lifestyle; and

(iii) I have sufficient time outside of work to do things that recharge the body and feed the soul.¹

And I recognise that being able to tick off all 3 boxes is an absolute privilege. It's not to be taken for granted, and is something to give thanks for.


Finally, as I reflect, I am reminded that Rajah & Tann Asia has been an integral part of my journey - not just for 2023, but for my entire professional career thus far. I am full of gratitude for the skills learned, friendships forged, and professional opportunities received over the past 14 years.²

In 2024, I'll have some news on the professional front. Watch this space.

May your reflections, if any, be insightful and fruitful, and may your 2024 be even richer and more fulfilling as a result.


The content of this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.


¹ For some people, it's ultramarathons. For others, it's sleep. I won't judge - heck, I'm in no position to do so.

² Actually, if you want to count my time as an intern, then my relationship with the firm spans some 15 years and counting.

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