Published on:
17 Oct 2024
min read
So for the last 12 years, NUS Faculty of Law has run the Law Alumni Mentor Programme ("LAMP"), which connects year 1, year 2, JD, and LLM students with alumni lawyers who volunteer as mentors. This is the 9th year¹ I'm volunteering - time flies!
Each year's programme begins with a Launch Event, which is always good fun.² Unfortunately, I won't be attending this year.³
Anyway, quick post to:
1️⃣ spread awareness of LAMP.⁴ While it's too late to sign up as a mentor for this run, there's always next year;
2️⃣ remind myself of why I sign up every year, and the spirit in which I want to approach the mentor-mentee journey;⁵ and
3️⃣ get a sense as to whether any of my fellow mentor-mentee groupings⁶ would be interested in getting together for a mini-mixer. I'm already working out dates with a couple of other like-minded mentors, but depending on the response, we might organise a few separate sessions. If this piques your interest, DM me.
Also, it would be remiss of me not to thank the National University of Singapore team, including Jo-Ann Chan, Genevieve C., Shi Ning Kong, Shaun Kang, and Siu Yin Ang, for tirelessly running this programme.
The content of this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.
¹ To the best of my recollection - I first started volunteering when I was still with my previous firm, and I obviously no longer have access to the sign-up emails from back then.
² There are always friends to catch up with. Also, alcohol.
³ Travelling!
⁴ More here:
⁵ So, true story. I attended a Mentors Briefing earlier this week - while the briefing is ostensibly for first-time or new mentors, I had not attended the briefing for a couple of years, and I thought it would serve as a good reminder of dos-and-don'ts. I was not expecting Grace Tan and Jo-Ann Chan to seize upon my attendance, and was even more surprised that the briefing ended on the slide below, containing a throwaway comment I made a few years ago.
⁶ Especially those who cannot make it for the Launch Event.