On 2023: in review.

On 2023: in review.

On 2023: in review.

Published on:

25 Dec 2023


min read


Photo Credit: Kostas Dimopoulos; https://www.pexels.com/photo/christmas-cake-14952436/

On 2023: in review.

This isn't my usual kind of post.

Some of you will know that I try to consistently put up content that:

a) adds value;
b) entertains; or
c) both.

This post may not qualify.

Then again, I thought it'd be a shame to let 2023 pass by without memorialising some of the interesting and meaningful work that the team has done, and in doing so, credit my teammates as well.


In no particular order, and over the course of 2023¹, my team and I have:

[International Arbitration / Cross-Border Matters]

- represented parties in multiple international arbitrations, including a claimant in an arbitration linked to the Terra / Luna crash, and respondents in an arbitration linked to a property project in South-East Asia;²

- represented a claimant in the enforcement of a foreign arbitral award;³

- in 2 separate cases, successfully set aside service of proceedings on behalf of foreign defendants;⁴

- advised a long-standing blue chip client on multiple matters relating to their distributorship arrangements in Asia and the Middle East;⁵

[Commercial Disputes]

- successfully settled, on behalf of a defendant, a debt claim of close to a million dollars;⁶

- on behalf of a claimant, successfully resisted the defendant's application to amend its Defence;⁷

[Employment Advisory and Disputes]

- concluded an employment dispute, involving (i) ex-employees setting up a competing business; (ii) a successful urgent ex parte injunction to enforce restrictive covenants; (iii) a successful application for summary judgment; and (iv) mad races across Singapore to effect personal service of cause papers on an additional defendant;⁸

- overseen multiple employment termination situations;⁹

[Non-Commercial Matters]

- concluded a personal injury matter which led to a 7-digit payout for our clients, a pair of elderly canteen operators;¹⁰

- represented a claimant in on-going Protection from Harassment Act proceedings, and obtained an Expedited Protection Order;¹¹

- successfully obtained an urgent stay of execution in respect of a committal order for imprisonment;¹²

- represented a claimant at trial in a tenancy dispute;¹³ and

- assisted a personal friend on matters relating to their parents' estate.¹⁴


As always, very grateful for:

a) the trust and support of clients, who shall remain unnamed to protect their privacy;
b) endorsements and referrals from compatriots; and
c) teammates past and present (in particular, Tao Tao, Brendan Tan, Rochelle Lim, Yuan Jing Lim, and of course Yew Fei Lai).

That's enough navel-gazing for now - onwards to 2024.¹⁵


The content of this article is intended for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.


¹ This includes matters in both the 2023 calendar and financial years.

² Given that these are arbitrations, I can't say more about them.

³ When considering whether to commence legal proceedings, do ask what is your lawyers' gameplan when it comes to the enforcement of the judgment / award.

⁴ I was also very pleased that this gave Brendan Tan the opportunity to lead arguments, both before an Assistant Registrar as well as a High Court Judge.

⁵ As part of my fairly active practice in distributorship and franchise matters.

⁶ While this was not a multi-million dollar claim, I dare say that it made all the difference to the client.

⁷ The lawyers amongst us will know how difficult it is to successfully resist such applications. A senior lawyer I spoke with referred to the right to amend as a "birthright".

⁸ We had a very small window to catch the defendant when he was in town. Good thing we had Brendan Tan, with his triathalon background, as opposed to... me.

⁹ For the unacquainted, these can be surprisingly tricky, and it's easier than you think to expose the employer to liability through a misstep.

¹⁰ Some of you may express surprise at the quantum of the payout. All I will say is that the payout was not disproportionate to the pain and suffering involved.

¹¹ This is a live matter, so I shall say no more, save that if you are being harassed or stalked, do reach out instead of suffering in silence.

¹² In simple terms, we kept a client out of jail, which is not something I say every day as a civil litigator.

We were first instructed on a Saturday. The client had been ordered to surrender himself for imprisonment the Tuesday after (i.e. in 7 working days). We filed the stay application on Wednesday (within 3 working days after we were instructed). We successfully argued that the client should not be made to commence his term of imprisonment until after his appeal had been disposed of. And we did this all under budget.

¹³ This also afforded Rochelle Lim the opportunity to question a witness, and address the trial Judge.

¹⁴ This was a tricky matter, involving the interpretation of a will that was worded sub-optimally. For those who are considering getting a will done to make life easier for your heirs, get one done professionally - you may end up creating more problems for your heirs (ironically) if you try a DIY approach.

¹⁵ Mind you, I don't think this will be the last post of the year. I just thought that it would be appropriate to do some self-reflection as I begin the final year of my 30s.

P.S. I think this is the first time I have needed 3 comments for my footnotes.

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